Installing the tool
Follow these steps to install the behavior tree tool in your Unity project
Create project
Create a Unity project in Unity version 2020.2 or later.
Open Unity
Open the Unity project.
Extract .zip
Extract the zip file from the download above.
Open Unitypackage
Inside the .zip file is a Unity Package called BehaviorTreeTool.unitypackage. While the editor is open, open this package and click "Import" in the dialogue window that shows up.
You can also right-click in Unity's Project window and click "Import package" to then select the package from there.
Optional: Node programming
If you would like to get into node programming, there is another Unity Package inside the Behavior Trees folder. Opening this will import script templates. After importing, the editor will need to be restarted for them to work. Next to this Unity Package are also instructions that should answer any questions you have about the script templates.
The tool should now be installed and ready to use.
Opening the tool
Let's see how we can open the tool. There are multiple options.
Tools tab
You can find the tool under the Tools tab at the top of the Unity window.
Window tab
You can also find the tool under the Window tab in the same place.
Behavior Tree file
After creating a behavior tree file, you can press the Open button in the inspector or double-click the file to open it.
Behavior Tree Executor component
Lastly, you can open the behavior tree that is assigned to the Behavior Tree Executor.
NOTE: If no behavior tree is assigned, a new one will automatically be created and assigned for you.
The UI
Let's go through the user interface of the behavior tree editor.
At the very top of the window is the toolbar. This holds buttons and fields that are used to change things about the file you're working with.
Under the toolbar, there is a small button that hides and unhides the toolbar.
The rest of the window is the canvas. Here is where we create the behavior tree.
Creating a node
You can create a node by either right-clicking or pressing space, or by clicking a connection point, dragging it to where you want your node to be, and left-clicking.
Created nodes can be clicked to select, dragged, and with Control+Click you can select multiple nodes at the same time.
Selecting a node will also show the inspector of that node. There you can change variables and see debug information.